Friday, September 18, 2009

Accountability and Transparency

This blog site was created for the purpose of holding politicians and candidates accountable in light of the upcoming election (2010). I make no attempt to hide my own political philosophical leanings. I am as uncomfortable with a Republicans growing government as I am with Democrats. For individuals, organizations, corporations and politicians alike, government budgets have become a form of lottery. Most people do not go out of their way to buy a lottery ticket, but when the jackpot reaches record amounts, even rational people cannot resist the urge. The size of the budgets at the state and federal level have created a level of temptation that makes hiring a lobbyist or forming a special interest group not only irresistible, but logical. If money is being given away, why not get in line?

For this reason the distinction of which party stands for "bigger" or "smaller" government has been blurred. Whether a conservative or liberal, most Americans coil at the thought of increased government intrusion into citizen's private lives. Shrinking government requires shrinking budgets. It is this idea that politicians seems to forget, despite what they may have promised while campaigning for office. Although perhaps too simplistic a phrase, "follow the money" truly does hold relevance to discovering the sources of corruption and unhealthy influences.

The State of Michigan is no longer in a position to tolerate politicians who express fidelity to anyone but its citizens. The gubernatorial candidates must be accountable and transparent regarding their financial activities. I am uncomfortable with, and puzzled by the actions of one candidate’s actions.

Attorney General Mike Cox's actions are worrisome to me not only for what I am unable to find through Freedom of Information request, but the apparent stalling that is taking place in providing the information.

I have decided with some hesitation, to post my correspondence regarding my inquiry so as to allow the light of truth to shine. I encourage others with greater skill and resources to join my quest for accountability and transparency

A this point I resist forming any conclusion, but my resolve for answers grows.

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