Monday, September 20, 2010

Wonders Never Cease

As a former UAW member, I was never happy that a part of my union dues went to support causes and political candidates that I disagreed with. Sure, there was a way to opt out, but that would be like wearing an “I hate my union” t-shirt to work every day. Not exactly a safe move.
During the 2000 presidential campaign, I found it hard to figure how the UAW, the union that represented hundreds of thousands of auto workers, could support Democratic candidate Al Gore. Vice President Gore had plainly stated that his goal was to “eliminate the combustion engine”. The UAW was basically supporting the candidate that would do the most harm to it’s members. What remarkable loyalty the members had. Nobody seemed to question the paradox.
Still, I do remember that back in the 1980’s, these same voters decided they had enough of the Democratic Party and overwhelmingly supported Reagan, despite the orders from the union bosses. But that brief flirtation with independence did not last. With the election of Reagan came the decline of the union movement, a trend that still continues to this day.
The oddity is that most union members are supporters of the right to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment. They actually lean 50/50 on Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. They are overwhelmingly against gay marriage and they see illegal immigration as a serious issue.
So how in the world do so many union members allow their union dues to support candidates with view opposite their own? A better question is why so many members vote in obedience to orders from above? The Answer is about the pocket book. When it comes to people’s paychecks, they will tend to sacrifice other principles to ensure their lifestyle.
So now we have illegal drug use. The Sacramento Bee reports that the Teamsters Union has forty new members. The Teamsters are now representing the marijuana growers in California. If I were a Teamsters member, I am not sure how I could continue to support my union when it protects illegal activities. Well, OK, I suppose there is some historical precedence. But still, unions supporting drug growers? Why not organize the Coyotes that bring illegal immigrants over the border. Now there’s a job that is underappreciated.
As long as Union bosses continue to find new members from the fringe of society, it will continue to alienate the general population as a whole.

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