Monday, September 20, 2010

Wonders Never Cease

As a former UAW member, I was never happy that a part of my union dues went to support causes and political candidates that I disagreed with. Sure, there was a way to opt out, but that would be like wearing an “I hate my union” t-shirt to work every day. Not exactly a safe move.
During the 2000 presidential campaign, I found it hard to figure how the UAW, the union that represented hundreds of thousands of auto workers, could support Democratic candidate Al Gore. Vice President Gore had plainly stated that his goal was to “eliminate the combustion engine”. The UAW was basically supporting the candidate that would do the most harm to it’s members. What remarkable loyalty the members had. Nobody seemed to question the paradox.
Still, I do remember that back in the 1980’s, these same voters decided they had enough of the Democratic Party and overwhelmingly supported Reagan, despite the orders from the union bosses. But that brief flirtation with independence did not last. With the election of Reagan came the decline of the union movement, a trend that still continues to this day.
The oddity is that most union members are supporters of the right to bear arms as stated in the Second Amendment. They actually lean 50/50 on Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice. They are overwhelmingly against gay marriage and they see illegal immigration as a serious issue.
So how in the world do so many union members allow their union dues to support candidates with view opposite their own? A better question is why so many members vote in obedience to orders from above? The Answer is about the pocket book. When it comes to people’s paychecks, they will tend to sacrifice other principles to ensure their lifestyle.
So now we have illegal drug use. The Sacramento Bee reports that the Teamsters Union has forty new members. The Teamsters are now representing the marijuana growers in California. If I were a Teamsters member, I am not sure how I could continue to support my union when it protects illegal activities. Well, OK, I suppose there is some historical precedence. But still, unions supporting drug growers? Why not organize the Coyotes that bring illegal immigrants over the border. Now there’s a job that is underappreciated.
As long as Union bosses continue to find new members from the fringe of society, it will continue to alienate the general population as a whole.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Obama Goes to Church

News Flash!!!
According to the Drudge Report, President Obama is going to church!
Oh, to be a liberal/progressive/Democrat. They were certain that they had elected anything but a church goer. Sure he went to Rev. Wright’s church, but he admitted he never listened to a single sermon. Otherwise he would have heard the hate speech flowing from the pulpit. Twenty years in the pew and not one memory of the Pastor’s “Hate America” diatribes.
We have since learned that nearly half of America is not certain if Obama is a “Christian” at all. A huge chunk of the populous thinks he might be a Muslim. He actually was schooled in Muslim education system in his early childhood. Then again, I know a few friends of mine that went to a Catholic elementary school, and I don’t think the Catholic Church would put them up as poster children. The only serious caveat is that to real Muslims, you are born a Muslim by having a Muslim father. You cannot choose your religion after that. Either you are faithful or you are an infidel. I think Muslims around the world are just as confused as Christians in America are.
The ones with the best clue might be Europeans. They have had nearly a century of “Christian” political leaders that one would have a difficult time identifying due to their lifestyle. One of my favorite measuring sticks for determining if someone is a Christian is twofold. First Imagine that it is illegal to be a Christian under penalty of death. First, would a person boldly claim to be guilty? A real Non-Christian would say “NO”. A real Christian would have to decide if they were willing to die for their faith. However, there is a second step. If a person were to admit such a thing, the court appointed lawyer would plead that her client were mentally unstable and the plea should be disregarded. The court would then enter a plea of not guilty due to insanity. Then there would be a presenting of evidence. Here is where things get dicey. Think of all your friends, family and co-workers. If they all had to testify on your behalf, what would they say? Some would think they were doing you a favor by presenting evidence that you were anything but a “real” Christian. Authorities might search your home to discover a Bible, only to have your defense lawyer show that it was rarely ever was opened.
Under this scenario, we return to the analysis of Obama going to church. He walked to the service with his family. Anyone with a clue in politics realizes that this is nothing more than a photo op. So the bigger question is, why? What polling numbers told Obama’s political strategists that he needed to create a new image? So many of his supporters are agnostics, atheists and at most, members of liberal Christian denominations. This means that a great percentage of his base either does not attend church services, or at best go a handful of times a year. Just going to a church service pushes Obama to the political middle. This has to be bad news to his Progressive Left supporters. Then again, maybe it is the fact that his “army” of supporters has abandoned him already, and he has decided to move to the middle like President Clinton did after losing Washington to Newt in 1994.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for someone going to church. However, real Christians know that going to a nice building has nothing to do with going to church. In fact you can’t “go to” church, you can only be a “part of” the church. So the question is what is President Obama bringing to the “body” of the church? This is where he has his most difficult challenge. From those who have much, much is expected. He is arguably the most powerful man in the world. What is he doing to promote the Great Commission? All religions have something similar to the Golden Rule, but the Gospel of Christ being spread to the ends of the earth is the responsibility of each member of the body of Christ. I don’t believe that President Obama has any clue in this area. When Obama and McCain both accepted an invitation to meet with Rick Warren. It was McCain who was able to “speak the language” that Evangelical Christians recognize. Obama seemed lost. It was this event and the introduction of Sarah Palin that solidified the Religious Right’s continued support of the Republicans in November of 2008. This is something Republicans should not take for granted. Mitt Romney is still not considered a Christian by most Evangelicals.
I don’t anticipate Chris Mathews leading off his Sunday show with this breaking news of Obama’s new conversion. It is more likely meant to be used by Whitehouse mouthpiece Gibbs at some later date to show how “normal” Obama is. No longer can opponents say there is no “proof” that his is a Christian. Symbolism over substance. I once told a friend that I think 2008 is likely to be the last election where both major candidates fell the necessity to claim to be a Christian. I might be wrong by one presidential election cycle.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Too Smart by Half
It is unwise to give the Obama economic team "points for intellectual progress". You may have heard it said that even the Devil believes in God, but that doesn't seem to change his behavior any. Obama may now believe in tax cuts to spur the economy, but it does not change the basic fact that he is a Liberal or Socialist or Progressive or however you want to label big government intervention.
If you are taking the nation’s economy in the wrong direction, the smart thing would be to turn around and go back the opposite way. This is called “doing a 180”. Being too smart by half means you do the 180, only to continue another 90 degrees until you are now heading 90 degrees off on some economic tangent. In policy terms, this means implementing tax cuts, but erasing the positive affects by not making them permanent and raising other taxes that are more burdensome than the ones temporarily being lifted.
I hesitate to call it common sense, because I have come to realize that it is not as common as one would hope. Nevertheless, the average Joe has enough brains to realize that getting a bonus check at Christmas may allow for one time splurge in spending, but it does not translate into increased purchasing power on a permanent basis. Banks have now returned to the practice of requiring proof of earnings before awarding loans. This is why getting a small raise from an employer has a greater impact on an individuals behavior than the annual Christmas bonus. If my income goes up by five percent, assuming my bills are paid, I can increase my spending by five percent. A bonus check is most often unpredictable in its amount, and in the past few years, it has been uncertain whether it will even be forthcoming.
Common sense business practices use a simple mental calculation. On a scale of one to five you are one of the following:
1. Certain of unprofitability in the next year
2. Uncertain but likely to be unprofitable
3. Certain to break even
4. Uncertain, but likely to be profitable
5. Certain of profitability
The energy that moves decision making forward in a business is certainty. Even being certain of unprofitability it preferable to any form of uncertainty. Being able to predict or forecast allow for planning. Planning means strategic decisions and finding opportunity for taking risk. Uncertainty kills risk. No risk means no reward. If the economy is slow and business is unprofitable, two other factors come into play. The opportunity to eliminate waste presents itself and you can emerge better suited to take advantage of the next business upturn. More importantly, it is fairly certain that your competitors are also facing the same struggles. This is often where the men are separated from the boys. The weak or poorly run competitors go out of business. Again, this proves to be a positive when the next upturn comes.
Certainty of breaking even is like kissing your sister. Very undesirable, but it won’t kill you.
Certainty of Profitability is ideal. Too often it leads to complacency, excess and visions of infallibility, but that is the nature of man.
Uncertainty of any kind leads to hesitancy. It also leads to internal division within a company where marketing and R&D scream for more spending and the Accounting Department says “wait”. In the end, people start guessing and mistakes get made.
So now the Obama economic team wants to embrace some tax cuts, but implement new ones. At the same time, they want to let some Bush tax cuts expire but target renewing others, creating a winners and losers list. Each business lives with uncertainty whether they will be a winner or loser. This is on top of the uncertainty of the healthcare legislation and the possible increase in taxes coming from environmental legislation.
Too smart by half is doing the right thing in the wrong way for the wrong reasons. Tax cuts that do not create certainty in income miss the point. Tax cuts that pick winners while punishing losers with tax increases creates division and uncertainty, because there is no guarantee anyone will stay on the winners list. (insert lobbyists here)
Republicans need to say to the Obama economic team, “either do it right or don’t do it at all”. What should not happened is for Hillary to run in 2012 claiming that they tried tax cuts in 2010 and they didn’t work. Let’s hope the Republican economic team is NOT too smart by half.